
Thank you for your interest in Connect the Tots, Inc!

To qualify for membership in Connect The Tots, you must:

  • Be a parent with a child age 10 or younger (Parent shall mean the natural parent, adopted parent, or legal guardian of a child.)
  • Reside in Reading, MA or the surrounding area
  • Pay annual membership dues

To become a member of Connect the Tots, you can either:

  • Print our membership form and mail the completed for with your check to the address provided.
  • Complete our online membership form below and pay online via PayPal.

Before completing membership please read, and agree to, the following terms and conditions:

I am aware that there are inherent risks associated with participation in any or all organized events and activities and I, on behalf of myself and my child(ren) named above, knowingly and freely assume all such risk, both known and unknown, including those that may arise out of the negligence of other participants. By participating, and allowing my child(ren) to participate, in any organized events or activities , I certify that I and my child(ren) are in good physical and mental health and that neither I nor my child(ren) have any medical or physical conditions that would constitute a health risk to participate in such event or activity. I, my heirs and assigns, next of kin, and all others acting on my behalf agree to waive any and all rights, claims, damages, actions, causes of action or suits of any kind or nature and hereby release and hold harmless, Connect The Tots, Inc. and its affiliates, officers, directors, members, other participants, and sponsoring agencies from, any and all liability, loss, damages, costs (including medical expenses and attorneys fees), claims an d/or causes of action, including but not limited to all bodily injuries, arising out of the programs and activities referred to herein or in any other program or activity offered by Connect The Tots, Inc. and/or its members, including as a result of negligence, to the fullest extent allowed by law. Notwithstanding, nothing herein shall be interpreted as releasing any individual or entity from liability arising from his/her/its own negligence. I certify that I meet the qualifications of membership in Connect The Tots, Inc. as specified above. In addition, I understand that membership in Connect The Tots, Inc. does not constitute membership as set forth in M.G.L. ch. 180, and does not confer rights thereunder, including but not limited to, voting rights an d notice of corporate actions. Connect The Tots, Inc. reserves the right to terminate the membership of anyone who does not comply with rules and regulations of membership, as established by Connect the Tots, Inc., and amended from time to time. Furthermore, the Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any application for membership for due cause. I grant permission for Connect The Tots, Inc. to use images and likeness of myself and/or my child(ren), such as photographs and video, taken during participation in programs or activities offered by Connect The Tots, Inc., on the Connect the Tots, Inc.’s website, Facebook page, and in mailings and for other promotional or outreach purposes. I understand that Connect The Tots, Inc. does not serve as a sponsor or host of playgroups, rather Connect The Tots, Inc. merely puts its members in touch with each other so that they can form playgroups, deciding when and where to meet. Connect The Tots, Inc. does not make any warranties or claims to perform background checks on members, investigate physical locations, or otherwise sponsor or host playgroups and does not make any warranties or claims regarding food or beverages which may be provided by members at playgroup get-togethers. Likewise, I understand that Connect The Tots, Inc. serves only to put its members in touch with each other through the Meals For Moms program to allow a member to choose to provide a meal for another member and that Connect The Tots, Inc. does not make any warranties or claims regarding the meals provided.

Online Membership Form

Please answer all the questions below to complete your membership application.

Membership Type
I have Read and Agree to The Membership Terms
Would you like to join a playgroup?
May we announce your child's name in our newsletter?
Child(ren)'s name & birth date
Email address for newsletter

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